Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Quixoticelixer might, but it probably will not fix your bite

On the Fringe

 Vintage Fringe Jacket given to me by my best friend's mom.
She's the coolest.

God bless the daylight, the sugary smell of springtime, Remembering when you were mine.

 White Dress
Fringe Purse
Emerald Haze Jewelry

My boyfriend takes all my pictures for me, he's a terrible photographer. He does this against his will. 

Skin and Bones


This is the coolest dress I have seen in a long time.
My boyfriend got it for me for Valentine's day, love him so much.
This is a super comfortable look
1. Long, black dress
2. Spiked ballet flats
3. Ray-Ban wayfarers

(Haze trying to pose like his mom.)

Give Me She-Wolf Style


Masculine/Feminine inspired look.
Wolf shirt and converses.

She Was A Psychedelic Mess

 I have the magic potion if you got the time...
A look inspired by my own fantasy world of a traveling gypsy
I make my own jewelry from raw minerals, www.emeraldhaze.webs.com
Our world is so consumed by technology it's nice to get in touch with nature and your inner spirit animal. Indian Princess meets Mysterious Gypsy, a magical combination.